Here at Cleaning Supplies UK we stock every cleaning product required to keep toilets sparkling and hygienic as well as toilet descalers to descale! Toilets can be a haven for limescale and bacteria leading to unsightly stains, bad odour and unhygienic sanitation. While bad smells are an obvious indication and can be eliminated with general cleaning, bacteria and germs can hide in hard to reach places such as toilet rims and u-bends. We have a host of effective toilet cleaners and limescale removers that will blast away lime scale, abolish urine stains and banish germs. From pH neutral formulas daily and routine cleaning to hydrochloric acid based heavy duty toilet descalers with odour neutralisers, Cleaning Supplies UK stock a comprehensive range of trusted brands such as Toilet Duck and Jangro that are proven to leave your toilets and washrooms hygienically clean.
Toilet Cleaners For Effective Washroom & Toilet Cleaning
As well as the best toilet cleaners for stains and a comprehensive range of cleaning products for all areas of your washroom, we are a leading UK cleaning product supplier. Find our complete range of cleaning chemicals here online as well as professional cleaning supplies for every aspect. With next day delivery, your toilet cleaner will be delivered tomorrow!